Improving the performance of hydraulic machinery worldwide

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Velocity, Acceleration and Flow

Note: Symbols of SI units, multiples and submultiples are given in parentheses in the right hand column.

Multiply By To obtain
    centimetre/second 1.968504     foot/minute
    centimetre/second 0.03280840     foot/second
    centimetre/minute 0.3937008     inch/minute
    foot/hour 0.00008466667     metre/second (m/s)
    foot/hour 0.00508*     metre/minute
    foot/hour 0.3048*     metre/hour
    foot/minute 0.508     centimetre/second
    foot/minute 18.288     metre/hour
    foot/minute 0.3048     metre/minute
    foot/minute 0.00508     metre/second (m/s)
    foot/second 30.48*     centimetre/second
    foot/second 18.288*     metre/minute
    foot/second 0.3048     metre/second (m/s)
    foot/second2 0.3048*     metre/second2 (m/s2)
    foot3/minute 28.31685     litre/minute
    foot3/minute 0.0004719474     metre3/second (m3/s)
    gallon (US liquid)/minute 0.003785412     metre3/minute
    gallon (US liquid)/minute 0.00006309020     metre3/second (m3/s)
    gallon (US liquid)/minute 0.06309020     litre/second
    gallon (US liquid)/minute 3.785412     litre/minute
    gallon (UK liquid)/minute 0.004546092     metre3/minute
    gallon (UK liquid)/minute 0.00007576820     metre3/second (m3/s)
    inch/minute 25.4*     millimetre/minute
    inch/minute 2.54*     centimetre/minute
    inch/minute 0.0254*     metre/minute
    inch/second2 0.0254*     metre/second2 (m/s2)
    kilometre/hour 0.6213712     mile/hour (US statute)
    litre/minute 0.03531466     foot3/minute
    litre/minute 0.2641720     gallon (US liquid)/minute
    litre/second 15.85032     gallon (US liquid)/minute
    mile/minute 1.609344*     kilometre/hour
    metre/second 11,811.02     foot/hour
    metre/second 196.8504     foot/minute
    metre/second 3.280840     foot/second
    metre/second2 3.280840     foot/second2
    metre/second2 39.37008     inch/second2
    metre/minute 3.280840     foot/minute
    metre/minute 0.05468067     foot/second
    metre/minute 39.37008     inch/minute
    metre/hour 3.280840     foot/hour
    metre/hour 0.05468067     foot/minute
    metre3/second 2118.880     foot3/minute
    metre3/second 13,198.15     gallon (UK liquid)/minute
    metre3/second 15,850.32     gallon (US liquid)/minute
    metre3/minute 219.9692     gallon (UK liquid)/minute
    metre3/minute 264.1720     gallon (US liquid)/minute

* Where an asterisk is shown, the figure is exact